NATS Logo by Example

Intro in Services Framework

NATS services have always been straightforward to write. However, with the services framework, the NATS client library further simplifies the building, discovery and monitoring of services. The framework automatically places all subscriptions in a queue group and provides functionality for building subject hierarchies and their handlers.

Without any additional effort, the library enables automatic service discovery and status reporting. The NATS CLI nats micro command provides a simple way to query and report all the services using this framework.

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$ nbe run services/intro/rust
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In this sample, we’ll use the Rust SDK to create and start a service, which automatically participates in the service discovery, stats management, and ping operations. The service we’re going to build exposes two endpoints:

  • min - returns the minimum value in an array of integers
  • max - returns the maximum value in an array of integers
use async_nats::service::ServiceExt;
use futures::StreamExt;

async fn main() -> Result<(), async_nats::Error> {

Use the NATS_URL env variable if defined, otherwise fallback to the default.

    let nats_url =
        std::env::var("NATS_URL").unwrap_or_else(|_| "nats://localhost:4222".to_string());

This establishes a connection to the NATS server

    let client = async_nats::connect(nats_url).await?;

Uses the service_builder extension function to add a service definition to the NATS client. As soon as start is called, the service is now visible and available for interrogation and discovery.

    let service = client
        .description("A handy min max service")
        .start("minmax", "0.0.1")

Everything within this group will default to responding on a subject with a prefix of minmax.

    let g ="minmax");

Adds the min endpoint to the minmax group. If we don’t specify an override subject, then this endpoint will be listening on minmax.min

    let mut min = g.endpoint("min").await?;

Adds the max endpoint to the minmax group which will be listening on the minmax.max subject.

    let mut max = g.endpoint("max").await?;

Spawns a background loop that iterates over the stream of incoming requests. Note that in order for service stats to update properly, you have to use the respond function rather than manually publishing on a reply-to subject.

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(request) = {

The input to this endpoint is a JSON array of integers and the function returns a string with the min value

            let ints = decode_input(&request.message.payload);
            let res = format!("{}", ints.iter().min().unwrap());

Spawns a background loop to iterate over the stream of requests for the max endpoint. Returns a string containing the maximum value of the input array

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(request) = {
            let ints = decode_input(&request.message.payload);
            let res = format!("{}", ints.iter().max().unwrap());

Now let’s exercise the service we’ve deployed and advertised

All of our calls will use the same input bytes so we can create this just once

    let input_vec = vec![-1, 2, 100, -2000];
    let input_bytes = serde_json::to_vec(&input_vec).unwrap();

Make a request on minmax.min and obtain the result

    let min_res = client
        .request("minmax.min".to_string(), input_bytes.clone().into())

Make a request on minmax.max and obtain the result

    let max_res = client
        .request("minmax.max".to_string(), input_bytes.into())

Finally output our results

        "minimum: {}\nmaximum: {}",


This is just a simple utility function to decode the input from a JSON array

fn decode_input(raw: &[u8]) -> Vec<i32> {


minimum: -2000
maximum: 100


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.